St Mary's Cathedral Tour

  • 18 Apr 2023
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Sydney
  • 0


  • Cost includes tour
  • Cost includes tour only

IATG invites you to join St Mary’s Cathedral Tour 

About this event

Join us for a tour of St Mary's Cathedral, a major destination for Parishioners, visiting Catholics and visitors to Sydney.

St Mary’s welcomes more than 3,000 visitors and tourists on a daily basis having an impact on the fabric of this city.

The Cathedral offers a spiritual experience whether you are religious or not. If you love history or architecture, the building and its interior will offer lots of interesting discoveries.

During the guided group tour visit the breathtakingly beautiful Crypt with its magnificent terrazzo floor, considered to be one of the finest mosaic floors in the world.

Discover the Cathedral, a magnificent English-style gothic church building, proud history. The Cathedral stands on the site of the first Catholic Chapel in Australia. Find out how it is the longest church in Australia, why it's oriented north to south, rather than east to west. 

Visiting St Mary’s Cathedral

It is important to remember St Mary’s Cathedral is a place of worship. You should always talk in hushed tones so as to not disturb parishioners and worshipers. Photography is allowed.

Visitor to St Mary’s will see many features on the outside of the building: the flying buttresses of the chancel and nave; the canopies and statues in the northern gable, the text of the Ave Maria and other invocations carved high up on the walls; the many carved saintly heads which gaze benignly down, and, way up on the towers and turrets, the more menacing figures of the gargoyles.

Moving inside the church through the main doors, the eye is drawn forward, along the length of the nave, toward the white pinnacles of the High Altar Screen, and the rich colours of the Great North Window beyond.

The columns of the main arcade are of the same warm sandstone as the exterior and interior walls, which have also been used in the vaulted ceilings of the side aisles and chapels.


The tour cost is $10 for Professional and $12 for Affiliates [No refunds available] 

RSVP close Monday 10 April (we need to confirm our booking two weeks before) so act quickly to secure your place on tour.

Event host:  Gaille (M) 0414885619
